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Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research

Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research

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Projects under “Climate”

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Showing 191 – 200 of 362 results

Project • CBA2013-09NSY-Pascoe

Building Capacity for Socio-Ecological Resilience to Coral Bleaching Events in Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand

Project • CBA2013-13NSY-Varma

Building Capacity for Adaptive Governance through Participatory Modelling: Rural and Urban Flooding in India

Project • CBA2013-14NSY-Maity

Promoting Algaculture in Trapped Waters as Sustainable Aquafarming and Adaptive Climate Mitigation in Inundated Coastal Areas

Project • CBA2013-03NMY-D'Arrigo, CBA2014-01CMY-D'Arrigo

ACRE SE Asia – Towards new weather and climate baselines for assessing weather and climate extremes, impacts and risks over Southeast Asia

Project • LCI2013-01CMY(R)-Vashist, LCI2012-01NMY(R)-Vashist

Identification of policy and institutional gaps, drivers and strategies to scale-up low carbon and energy efficient technology application in the construction and infrastructure sectors in South Asia

Project • LCI2013-02CMY(R)-Dhakal, LCI2012-02NMY(R)-Dhakal

Understanding and Quantifying the Water-Energy-Carbon Nexus for Low Carbon Development in Asian Cities

Project • LCI2013-03CMY(R)-Macandog, LCI2012-04NMY(R)-Macandog

Integrated Sustainability Assessment of Bioenergy Potentials in Asia: An Application of a Hybrid Approach on Trade-offs and Pathway

Project • CAF2013-01SY-L+D(F)-Huq

Asia Pacific Forum on Loss and Damage

Project • LCI2013-05CMY(R)-Jupesta, LCI2012-05NMY(R)-Jupesta

Low Carbon Urban Infrastructure Investment: Cases of China, Indonesia, and Japan

Project • ARCP2012-09NMY-Meinke, ARCP2013-04CMY-Meinke

Improving the Robustness, Sustainability, Productivity and Eco-Efficiencies of Rice Systems throughout Asia