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Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research

Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research

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Projects under “Climate”

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Showing 171 – 180 of 362 results

Project • CBA2014-08NSY-Koshy

WCRP-ICTP Summer School on Climate Extremes

Project • OAA2014-01SY-SEN

Climate Change Innovation and Resilience for Sustainable Livelihood

Project • ARCP2013-08CMY-DeCosta, ARCP2012-13NMY-DeCosta

A Study on Loss of Land Surface and Changes to Water Resources Resulting from Sea Level Rise and Climate Change

Project • ARCP2013-13CMY-Sase, ARCP2012-18NMY-Sase

Dynamics of Sulphur Derived From Atmospheric Deposition and Its Possible Impacts on the East Asian Forests

Project • ARCP2015-01CMY-Miyata, ARCP2014-04CMY-Miyata, ARCP2013-14NMY-Miyata

Toward CarboAsia: Integration and Syntheses of Terrestrial Ecosystem Flux Data in Tropics/Subtropics and Croplands in Asia by Activating Regional Tower-based Observation Networks

Project • ARCP2015-02CMY-Ailikun, ARCP2014-05CMY-Ailikun (Manton), ARCP2013-15NMY-Manton

Coordinated Regional Climate Downscaling Experiment (CORDEX) in Monsoon Asia

Project • ARCP2015-03CMY-Li, ARCP2014-06CMY-Li, ARCP2013-16NMY-Li

Assessing Spatiotemporal Variability of NPP, NEP and Carbon Sinks of Global Grassland Ecosystem in Response to Climate Change in 1911-2011

Project • ARCP2015-04CMY-Tangang, ARCP2014-07CMY-Tangang, ARCP2013-17NMY-Tangang

Southeast Asia Regional Climate Downscaling Project (SEACLID)

Project • ARCP2014-08CMY-Prabhakar, ARCP2013-18NMY-Prabhakar

Assessing community risk insurance initiatives and identifying enabling policy and institutional factors for maximizing climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction benefits from risk insurance

Project • ARCP2014-09CMY-Gomboev, ARCP2013-19NMY-Gomboev

Boreal and Tropical Forest and Forest-Steppes in East Asia: A Comparative Study on Climate Impacts and Adaptation