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Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research

Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research

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Projects under “Climate”

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Showing 161 – 170 of 362 results

Project • ARCP2015-13CMY-Zhou, ARCP2014-22NMY-Zhou

Assessment of Climate-Induced Long-term Water Availability in Ganges Basin and Impacts on Energy Security in South Asia

Project • CAF2014-RR04-NMY-Thomalla, CAF2015-RR04-CMY-Thomalla

An analysis of longer-term (5-10 years) recovery following major disasters in the Asia Pacific Region: Lessons for resilient development

Project • ARCP2015-11CMY-Mishra, ARCP2014-20NMY-Mishra

Climate Change Adaptation through Optimal Stormwater Capture Measures: Towards a New Paradigm for Urban Water Security

Project • ARCP2014-24NSG-Lokupitiya

Scoping Workshop to Develop Proposal: Identification of the best agricultural management practices with better greenhouse gas benefits in salinity affected areas of South Asia

Project • ARCP2015-06CMY-Wu, ARCP2014-15NMY-Wu, ARCP2016-02CMY-Wu

Comparative analysis of pollution sources at the Hangzhou Bay & Mekong river mouths

Project • CAF2016-RR01-CMY-Basnayake, CAF2015-RR01-CMY-Basnayake, CAF2014-RR01-NMY-Basnayake

Developing Climate Inclusive Potential Loss and Damage Assessment Methodology for Flood Hazards

Project • CAF2015-RR02-CMY-Singh, CAF2014-RR02-NMY-Singh

Developing and Promoting a People-centred Approach to Assess and Address Impacts of Climate Change Induced Loss and Damage

Project • CAF2015-CD01-CMY-Vashist, CAF2014-CD01-Wijenayake

Enhancing Capacity of Policy Makers and practitioners in India, Sri Lanka and Nepal on Loss and Damage Related to Slow Onset Events in the Region

Project • CBA2014-10NSY-Carandang

Capacity Development of Local Climate Change Communicators in Vulnerable Upland Communities in Southeast Asia

Project • ARCP2015-09CMY-Heath, ARCP2014-18NMY-Heath

Development of an evidence-based climate change adaptation toolkit to help improve community resilience to climate change impacts in Uttarakhand, India