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Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research

Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research

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Showing 551 – 560 of 5629 results

Project • CRRP2022-09MY-Myagmarsuren

Strengthening local adaptation plans through integrating socio-economic vulnerability assessment and policy gap analysis in Mongolia and China

Nin Duletin, via Unsplash

Project • CBA2022-07MY-Ramirez

Participatory assessment of land capability for agroforestry in selected upland farming communities in the Province of Laguna, Philippines, using Agroforestry Land Capability Assessment and Mapping Schemes (ALCAMS)

Dembee Tsogoo, Unsplash

Project • CBA2022-10MY-Balt

The science-policy adaptive capacity for local herding and government groups to reduce climate vulnerability

Project • CBA2022-06SY-Tran

Environmental education in combatting marine plastic waste – the role of youth in schools

Project • CBA2022-02SY-Phan

Promoting youth role in raising community resilience to climate change in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta (Mekong Delta CoRe)

Peter Hammer, via Unsplash

Project • CBA2022-05SY-Nguyen

Multidimensional poverty, agricultural commercialization, and environmental impacts: From discovering conflicts to building sustainable livelihood models for upland communities in developing countries

Madhushree Narayan, via Unsplash

Project • CBA2022-04SY-Shrestha

Building capacities for climate resilient water resources development under climate uncertainty

Neha Maheen Mahfin, via Unsplash

Project • CRRP2022-01MY-Sharma

REgional cooperation for FReshwater Ecosystem Services in Himalayas (REFRESH): Understanding the influences of monsoon variability and compound extremes

Takahiro Taguchi, via Unsplash

Project • CRRP2022-02MY-Shoyama

Ecosystem-based adaptation in Temperate East Asia: Development of an indicator system for evaluating rural ecosystem restoration programs

Photo by Anna Finke/CIFOR

Project • CRRP2022-03MY-Muhamad Varkkey

Policy and governance approaches to cooperative mitigation of peatland carbon emissions and transboundary haze in Southeast Asia