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Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research

Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research

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Showing 481 – 490 of 744 results

Project • ARCP2014-09CMY-Gomboev, ARCP2013-19NMY-Gomboev

Boreal and Tropical Forest and Forest-Steppes in East Asia: A Comparative Study on Climate Impacts and Adaptation

Project • LCI2013-02CMY(R)-Dhakal, LCI2012-02NMY(R)-Dhakal

Understanding and Quantifying the Water-Energy-Carbon Nexus for Low Carbon Development in Asian Cities

Project • ARCP2014-11CMY-Yamada, ARCP2013-21NMY-Yamada

Adaptation of Solid Waste Management to Frequent Floods in Vulnerable Mid-Scale Asian Cities

Project • ARCP2013-13CMY-Sase, ARCP2012-18NMY-Sase

Dynamics of Sulphur Derived From Atmospheric Deposition and Its Possible Impacts on the East Asian Forests

Project • ARCP2014-12CMY-Sellers, ARCP2013-22NMY-Sellers

Mega-Regional Development and Environmental Change in China and India

Project • LCI2013-03CMY(R)-Macandog, LCI2012-04NMY(R)-Macandog

Integrated Sustainability Assessment of Bioenergy Potentials in Asia: An Application of a Hybrid Approach on Trade-offs and Pathway

Project • ARCP2014-13CMY-Sthiannopkao, ARCP2013-23NMY-Sthiannopkao

Developing Scientific and Management Tools to Address Impacts of Changing Climate and Land Use Patterns on Water Quality in East Asia’s River Basins

Project • CBA2013-04NSY-WCRP

International Conference on Regional Climate CORDEX 2013

Project • CBA2013-17NSY-Bodeker

SPARC (Stratosphere-troposphere Processes And their Role in Climate) General Assembly 2014

Project • CBA2013-05NSY-Sutrisno

The Implementation of Multi Sensors Remote Sensing Technology for Sustainable Disaster Management