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Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research

Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research

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Showing 431 – 440 of 744 results

Project • CAF2014-CD04-NSY-Sharma

Can Traditional Livelihoods and Mining Co-exist in a Changing Climate: Strengthening Public-Private Partnerships in Mongolia to Reduce Risk and Address Loss and Damage

Project • CBA2014-09NSY-Mathai

Training workshop and edited volume on “Green Growth: Political Ideology, Political Economy and Policy Alternatives”

Project • ARCP2015-09CMY-Heath, ARCP2014-18NMY-Heath

Development of an evidence-based climate change adaptation toolkit to help improve community resilience to climate change impacts in Uttarakhand, India

Project • CBA2014-07NSY(B&ES)-Jia

International Training on Regional Ecosystem-Climate Interactions

Project • CBA2014-08NSY-Koshy

WCRP-ICTP Summer School on Climate Extremes

Project • CAF2014-RR08-NMY-Chiba, CAF2015-RR08-CMY-Chiba

Addressing Non-Economic Losses and Damages Associated with Climate Change: Learning from the Recent Past Extreme Climatic Events for Future Planning

Project • CAF2015-RR07-CMY-Lotia, CAF2014-RR07-NMY-Lotia

Methods Toolbox for Assessing Loss and Damage at Local Level

Project • CBA2014-03NSY-Cruz

Collaborative Monitoring System for Enhanced Watershed Management in the Philippines

Project • CAF2014-RR03-NMY-Pereira, CAF2015-RR03-CMY-Pereira, CAF2016-RR03-CMY-Pereira

Integrating CCA, DRR and L+D to Address Emerging Challenges due to Slow Onset Processes

Project • ARCP2015-10CMY(B&ES)-Liang, ARCP2014-19NMY(B&ES)-Liang

Coastal forest management in the face of global change based on case studies in Japan, Myanmar and the Philippines