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Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research

Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research

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Showing 391 – 400 of 478 results

Project • 2005-19-NSG

Implementation of the LOICZ II Science Plan through Regional and National Workshops, Synthesis and Policy Assessment, Gap-filling Studies, Capacity Building and Networking in the South Asian Region (Regional Scoping Workshop on Science-Policy Linkages in Integrated Coastal Zone)

Project • 2005-23-NSY

The Degraded Ecosystem Restoration in the Arid and Semi-arid Northern China-Mongolia Region

Project • 2005-06-NSY

PAGES Second Open Science Meeting

Project • 2005-08-NSY

The Surface Ocean – Lower Atmosphere Study (SOLAS) International Summer School 2005: Attendance of young scientists from the APN region

Project • 2005-09-NSY

The 2005 Open Meeting of the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change Research Community

Project • ARCP2005-10-NSY

Development and Application of Climate Extreme Indices and Indicators for monitoring Trends in Climate Extremes and their Socio-economic Impacts in South Asian Countries

Project • 2005-11-NSY

DIVERSITAS First Open Science Conference 2005: Travel fund for scientists from developing countries in the Asia Pacific region

Project • 2005-12-NSY

Vulnerabilities of the carbon-climate system: Carbon pools in Wetlands/Peatlands as positive feedbacks to global warming

Project • 2005-13-NSY

Supporting regional capacity contributions to LOICZ II development at the IGBP/IHDP LOICZ II Inaugural Open Science Meeting 27-29 June 2005

Project • 2005-14-NSY

Community relocation as an option for adaptation to the effects of climate change and climate variability in Pacific Island Countries (PICs)