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Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research

Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research

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Showing 311 – 320 of 478 results

Project • CBA2011-05NSY-Schang

National Dialogues on Adapting Biodiversity Management to Climate Change

Project • ARCP2011-16NMY-IGBP, ARCP2012-06CMY-IGBP

An International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme Synthesis Theme on: Global Environment Change and Sustainable Development: Needs of Least Developed Countries

Project • CBA2011-06NSY-LOICZ

Young LOICZ Forum 2011: Capacity Building in the Asia-Pacific Region

Project • ARCP2011-17NMY-Mathukumalli, ARCP2012-07CMY-Ramanathan

Tracing Nitrogen and Carbon Biogeochemical Processes in the Inter-tidal Mangrove Ecosystem (Sundarban) of India and Bangladesh: Implications of the Global Environmental Change

Project • CBA2011-07NMY-Abawi, CBA2012-01CMY-Abawi

Building Scientific Capacity in Seasonal Climate Forecasting (SCF) for Improved Risk Management Decisions in a Changing Climate

Project • ARCP2011-20NSY-McEvoy

Assessment of Climate Change Risks and Adaptation Options for Secondary Cities in South-western Bangladesh and Central Vietnam

Project • CBA2011-08NSY-Baker

Towards Engagement in the United Nations Regular Process for Global Assessment of the Marine Environment: Strengthening Capacity of Developing Countries in the Seas of East Asia

Project • ARCP2011-21NSY-Manurung

Reconstruction of Sea Level Change in Southeast Asia (RESELECASEA) Waters Using Combined Coastal Sea Level Data and Satellite Altimetry Data

Project • CBA2011-10NSY-Ngari

International Workshop on Climate and Oceanic Fisheries

Project • ARCP2011-22NSG-Liu

Scoping Workshop to Develop Proposal: The Impact of Global Warming Ocean Atmosphere Feedback Strength in the Tropical Indian Ocean