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Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research

Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research

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[Extended Deadline] Call for Participants: 10th APN Early Career Professional Poster and Networking Session

We extend a formal invitation to Early Career Professionals affiliated with institutions in Jakarta, Bogor and Bandung, Indonesia to join the APN 10th Poster and Networking Session. This event will be held in conjunction with the APN 26th Intergovernmental and Scientific Planning Group Meeting, hosted by the Indonesian Agency for Research and Innovation (BRIN), scheduled to convene in Jakarta, Indonesia, from 11-14 June 2024.

This platform offers an unparalleled opportunity to showcase your scholarly pursuits on a regional stage, fostering engagement with peers, research experts and policymakers across multifaceted disciplines. By imparting your insights and expertise, you will significantly contribute to the discourse surrounding climate resilience and disaster preparedness, thereby shaping strategies and policies for a more sustainable future.

The winning poster presenter will be awarded the prestigious Mitra Award for Global Change Research and given a coveted space in the plenary to present their work to APN member governments and research institutions from the Asia-Pacific region.

We eagerly anticipate your contributions, envisaging the mutual enrichment of knowledge and the collective endeavour toward a more resilient and sustainable world.

Main Theme

In acknowledgement of the significance of Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction in Indonesia, we cordially invite submissions of Poster Abstracts that showcase your innovative research, findings and methodologies in these critical thematic areas.

Indonesia reaffirms its commitment to climate action through its Enhanced Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), reflecting growing environmental awareness. The NDC Roadmap on Adaptation delineates Indonesia’s adaptation priorities and strategies, integrating eight pillars. These include: 1) Strengthening policy instruments for climate adaptation and disaster risk reduction; 2) Integrating adaptation into development planning and finance mechanisms; 3) Enhancing climate literacy on vulnerability and risk; 4) Adopting a landscape-based approach for comprehensive understanding; 5) Strengthening local capacity through best practices; 6) Improving knowledge management; 7) Increasing stakeholder participation; and 8) Applying adaptive technology.

These pillars aim to coordinate actions, from policy formulation to implementation, promoting multi-sectoral collaboration, mainstreaming adaptation into development plans, enhancing awareness, fostering local resilience, improving information accessibility, engaging stakeholders, and leveraging technology for efficient implementation and risk reduction. Monitoring and standardisation ensure effectiveness, aligning with Indonesia’s climate resilience objectives.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Applicants must be Indonesian Early Career Professionals (ECPs) who are conducting their research in Bandung, Bogor or Jakarta, Indonesia. Research students and postdoctoral researchers are encouraged to apply.
  • Indonesian ECPs working outside of Indonesia are not eligible to apply.
  • Applicants must be available to set up and present on 13 June 2024 at BRIN, B.J. Habibie Building, Jalan M.H. Thamrin Nomor 8, Jakarta Pusat 10340, Jakarta, Indonesia.

Abstract Submission

  1. The research must be original. Only abstracts under the theme “Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction” are accepted.
  2. Abstracts must be in line with one of the following sub-themes:
    • Assessing the linkages between climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction
    • Strengthening policy instruments for climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction; and
    • Enhancing climate literacy on climate change adaptation, vulnerability and risk.
  3. Abstracts must be written in English within 300 words. It should be a concise, text-only description of the research subject, methodology, results and conclusions. ECPs are encouraged to seek assistance from their advisers and other resource persons in preparing their abstracts and posters.
  4. Abstracts will be screened by the APN Secretariat. The main criteria include originality of the research, conciseness of the abstract, clarity of methodology, organisation of the information, and scientific merit.

How to Apply

Once you confirm your eligibility, please submit your poster abstract and application on the Asia-Pacific Network Information System (APNIS) before the closing date.

Dates to remember:

  • Sunday, 19 May 2024: Online abstract submission closes.
  • TBA: The APN Secretariat informs successful applicants about the selection result. Due to the large volume of applications, APN will not provide individual feedback on submissions.
  • Sunday, 2 June 2024: Deadline for submitting finalised posters in PDF format to the APN Secretariat. Poster presenters must print out their posters using the guidelines provided separately.
  • Thursday, 13 June 2024: Poster presenters set up their posters at the meeting venue. Further details will be provided separately.

For Additional Queries
Please contact the APN Secretariat via email and direct your queries to [email protected].