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Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research

Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research

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Global change community announcement

Heatwave Early Warning and Heat Action Plan in South Asia Webinar

About the webinar

South Asia is one of the most vulnerable countries to the impact of heat waves. There has been a significant rise in the number of heat waves in the South Asian Region. Several proactive efforts have been taken by the respective governments of the country to enhance the preparedness efforts for heatwave management in the region.

The “Heatwave Early Warning and Heat Action Plans in South Asia” webinar will be held on 9 May 2024 from 14:30 PM to 17:00 PM (IST). The webinar is organised by the South Asia Heat Health Information Network (SAHHIN) and the South Asian Meteorological Association (SAMA).

The workshop will bring together subject experts and stakeholders from research institutions, practitioners, and policymakers from the South Asia Region countries: India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Maldives, Bhutan and Myanmar. It will share and deliberate on new knowledge, updates, and issues for enhancing the the effectiveness of the region’s early warning systems and heat wave management.

To register, please follow this link.